So you're looking for a cure for itchy scalp? Well, the good news is that, in most cases, an itchy scalp can be cured and soothed quite easily with a simple home remedy.
What Caused My Itchy Scalp?
An itchy scalp can be an irritating and annoying affliction and, without treatment, can become increasingly worse. Although there are many possible reasons for an itchy scalp, a lot of the time these days it can be due to the harsh chemicals placed in many of the off-the-shelf shampoos and conditioners on the market. These chemicals can dry out the skin, stripping it of its natural oils and thereby causing an itchy, flaky scalp. One of the worst of these chemicals is Sodium Laureth Sulphate - commonly known as SLS which is an aggressive cleaning and foaming agent commonly used as an engine degreaser. SLS has been proven to strip oils from and prematurely age your skin, damage eye membranes, retard healing, inhibit hair follicle growth and more, yet it's added to 90% of shampoos! Silicone is another harmful chemical used as an artificial shine enhancer in many leading brand conditioners.
Reactions to perm chemicals,and hair dye allergies are also very common these days. If you've recently been to the hairdressers and are suffering from an itchy scalp, this could be the reason, although they should always patch test any products before applying them to your scalp.
Other possible reasons could be stress brought on by exhaustion or emotional tension, an allergic skin reaction (contact dermatitis), viral infections, such as chickenpox and shingles or a skin condition, such as acne.
A fungus like Ringworm (tinea capitis) could also be causing your itchy scalp. Ringworm is a superficial fungal infection of the scalp and is caused by mold-like fungi called dermatophytes. Ringworm of the skin starts as a red, scaly patch or bump, and tends to be very itchy and uncomfortable. Over time, it may begin to look like a ring or a series of rings with raised, bumpy, scaly borders (the center is often clear), but not every person who's infected develops the rings.
How Can I Cure My Itchy Scalp?
There are loads of natural cures. Here I'll show you some of the best..
A quick cure for itchy scalp can be made at home by using a combination or Rosemary and Chamomile:
Get 3 sprigs of rosemary, chop them up and add to 3 tea bags of chamomile tea Boil gently, let cool, and strain Rinse your hair with this liquid for a calming anti-inflammatory effect for an inflamed, itchy or sore scalp
Fenugreek seeds are excellent for getting rid of dandruff:
Take 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds and soak overnight in water In the morning grind the soft seeds into a fine paste Apply this paste all over scalp and leave for half an hour Rinse off thoroughly with soap nut solution A teaspoon of lime juice on the last rinse will work wonders
It is important to keep the hair and scalp clean so as to avoid the build up of dead cells which will only aggravate the itchy scalp problem.
I would recommend trying to replace your current shampoo with a natural one, like a Tea Tree Oil based shampoo. Tea Tree Oil is a fantastic anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory natural ingredient which will help to soothe your itchy scalp and prevent infections. Other great natural oils to look out for when choosing a shampoo or conditioner are Zinc Pyrithione and Jojoba. Zinc pyrithione is great at combating dandruff and as a cure for itchy scalp conditions.
First synthesized in the 1930's, it is the most widely used active ingredient from a natural source. Having good anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties it's used to treat dandruff, itchy scalp, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema and numerous other skin and scalp disorders. Jojoba is excellent as a scalp moisturizer and helps to re-balance sebum.
The hair should be brushed daily to improve the circulation and remove any flakiness. The most effective way to brush the hair is to bend forward from the waist with the head down towards the ground, and brush from the nape of the neck towards the top of the head. Short or shoulder-length hair can be brushed right from the roots to the ends in one stroke. In the case of long hair, two strokes would be best to avoid stretching the hair.
The scalp should also be massaged thoroughly daily, to improve circulation, remove excess dirt and dead skin cells, and encourage hair growth. For a proper massage, spread your fingers fanwise and slip them through the hair. With your thumb pressed behind your ears, press down on your scalp with your fingertips. Now rotate your fingers so that they move the scalp over the bony structure of the head. You will feel your skin move and the scalp tingle. Move up an inch at a time until you have covered the whole head. It takes only a few minutes to perform.
Reducing stress will help your body in its natural healing process, and also go some way to preventing your itchy scalp condition from returning. Prevention is better than a cure, as they say. Use some natural bath oils like Lavender or Valerian Oil to help you to relax and de-stress after a hard day.
(As with all oils, consult your doctor first if you are pregnant. It is also recommended you patch test all oils/formulas before application or addition to your shampoos).
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